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Friday 24 April 2015

A Short Review Of The Obligation Of Being Oberllyn

By Alta Alexander

In the young adult genre of books and novels, there is but one trilogy that is not mainstream but is very known among the young readers. This is known as the Oberllyn Family Trilogy and the latest book to come out would of course be book two which is the Obligation of Being Oberllyn. Now if one is into this particular genre or is a fan of this book, then here are some things to know about.

For those who do not know about the trilogy, it is created by J Traveler Peton. This particular book was published in October of 2014 under the CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. It has become one of the more popular books in the young adult genre ever since.

Of course for the people who do not know what the story about, it is in a nutshell, about a Kai Dante who happens to be the main character. Now in this book, Kai Dante was a man fighting against those trying to impose a debt slave crisis which was solved in the start of the second book. Of course in the start of the second book, the conspirators have already been removed.

Now in the start, everything may seem very peaceful but little does Kai know that another threat would be coming his way. Of course the Brotherhood led by Lady Venom is the new threat that is trying to cut down the world population and of course take down the Oberllyns. The only ones who can stop the Brotherhood is Kai and the Oberllyn family as well as their friends.

Now in the story, they have a constraint on their hands which is that they must stop the threat before Mexico celebrates the Day of the Dead. There is a lot of undercover agent scenes as well as some kidnapping scenes which would really make this book an action packed one. So if one is into reading a lot of action and a lot of scheming, this book is a must read.

Now what makes this book a little bit different from the others is that it shows the real score of the government and how it works. It is definitely a great read for everyone who are interested in the field of politics. One can really see the movement of each character as they fight for their own principles against each other until the final battle.

Of course another interesting thing about this story is that it is not the usual fight of the hero and the villain. In some parts of the story, one will actually wonder if the villain is actually bad or not. This book is a mix of clashing values, the government at work, and also how the legs of society would influence the way people go about.

If one is into non stop action as well as strategic moves, then he will love this book. This book is known to be quite detailed but it is also very easy to read and also very fun. This book is definitely targeted to any kind of audience no matter what age the person is.

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