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Friday 8 July 2016

Starting Out As A NJ Videographer

By Charles Wallace

Some people know from when they are knee-high, what they career they want to pursue. Others just keep changing till they find what fits them, or you end up turning a hobby into a full-time job. The best way to excel at your work is to love what you do. For people interested in capturing moments and telling stories, being an NJ videographer can be one way for you to make money, and also do what you love.

These days, anyone with a phone can take and edit a video, but for you to be good enough to film other people events, you need some training. You can start by taking online classes, or even working as an apprentice for a well-established videographer. After you have learned the basic skills, make sure you progress and get a certificate to show that you know what you are doing.

Just like with any business, you need to have the right tools for the trade. As a beginner, you might find that a good quality camera is expensive. You can settle for a good second-hand make, or even rent some of the equipment. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with them, before you have enough money to buy your own.

Getting customers might be one of the most difficult parts. Although you might want to start on your own, it is easier if you start off by working for someone else. Here, you will be able to learn how to market yourself, while also refining your skills. When you decide to branch out, you might even be able to leave with some clients, and you will have already made a name for yourself.

You should know how to sell yourself and your work, to potential clients. This will mean knowing how to negotiate, and also when to compromise. You will also have to learn how to seize various opportunities and use them to market yourself. Once you get a number of clients, make sure you always respond to any questions or suggestions in a timely manner.

If you want to succeed you cannot afford to be choosy. You should use all your fist jobs as stepping stones to break into the market. However, if the pay is too small or the conditions too extreme, you can decline. As you continue to work, you will get to know which areas you are good at and refine them.

In business, you need to make sure you do not stagnate because this will make you redundant and will cost you. You need to make sure that you are always bettering your skills, in order to remain relevant. Once you find out what works for you, you can go about setting your limits to ensure that you do not overwork, or damage your image because you were overconfident.

Pricing is also another factor. As you get better you rates will definitely go higher, but make sure that you are not too expensive or too cheap. Constantly look at the prices other people are charging, in order to stay within a reasonable range.

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