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Sunday 19 August 2018

Reasons You Needs Hand Knit Garment Design Class

By Catherine Lewis

Hand knitting is becoming popular because of the health benefits it brings along. For years, people have struggled with issues of stress, depression, weak immune systems and diseases that are a result of unstable blood pressure. For many, needlework has only been seen as a leisure activity. Well, now you know there are health benefits it brings. Why not consider joining a hand knit garment design class and tap these health benefits?

While learning at the comfort of your home and speed, you will be able to improve your skill on knitting. In effect, the more skilled you are the more motivated to knit you will be. As a result, you will reduce the stress levels in your body. The hormones that reduce stress are released when one knits. Stress affects your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. It should be controlled by all means possible.

There are more than just health benefits that come with knit garments. They are known for their durability. Because of hard economic times, you want to spend money where you get real value. It is very rare to find a torn handmade garment. They are very flexible and that protects them as compared to other types of garments. Knitting is mainly done using wool. Wool is known for its strong structure that acts as a protection from abrasion.

Hand knit clothes have the advantage of convenience. They do not require ironing. They rarely change shape when washed as opposed to other material clothes. They are convenient in the sense that when the temperatures are low, you can wear them to keep warm. When temperatures rise, you take them off, fold into a bag and can wear them again when a need arises. You will not have to worry about creases.

Learning to knit your own clothes is a good idea as it relieves you from the effects of poor sleep patterns. Sleep is important for mental well being. Knitting will protect you from getting depressed which in turn affect sleep. The garments you can make on your own are ideal for winter. Wool insulates perfectly and so you will not have the body warmth escape. Imagine how it feels when you design your own functional clothes?

Those with the desire to learn hand knitting should consider learning with wool yarn. It is very pleasant and offers the best support to those who really need to master this skill. The qualities of wool make it easier to control in terms of consistency and tightness. The lessons are designed in a way that even those with no clue on knitting are able to grasp and become good knitters.

There is only so much you will learn from the design class. You will increase your skills and produce very creative hand-knit pieces. You will discover commercial pattern instructions and how to improve your attention to details. You will learn how to take measurements of garments and also discover stitch patterns that make garments look great.

Nothing should stop you from joining a class. If it is convenience, you can learn online. If it is fear, everything will be taught from the basics to the actual skills. Do not let anything stop you.

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