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Wednesday 7 August 2013

Things To Learn About Environmental Documentaries

By Nita McKinney

More people are now finding the importance of conserving nature and that is why environmental documentaries have become very popular. The films intend to create awareness so that people get inspired to restore and preserve Mother Nature. When everything lives as nature intended then life would be very conducive. It will ensure that species live from one generation to the next without becoming extinct. The films aim at making humans custodians of the earth and nature.

Several things need to be in place before shooting a documentary. The film examines in detail all the negative and positive effects of the phenomenon being discussed. It shows how nature is being affected and how to counter it by either changing lifestyle or coming in to assist the situation. The first thing before shooting your film is to come up with an idea. Originality is very important if you want to keep your audience captivated. If you intend to recycle an already used idea, then ensure you work better on style and presentation.

The next move is to find out what your idea intends to accomplish. In as much as the mission is nature, it could have a political inclination. A short film about the impact of nuclear weapons could be created in such away to warn political tensions that can lead to the end of the world. Check out your goals and come up with objectives that will lead to achievement of these goals.

Over the years humans have discovered almost everything Mother Nature has to offer. When coming up with your idea, do an in-depth research so that your interview looks unique and informative. Liaison with specialists in your field of study and consult widely so that your project becomes rich in content. Have all the facts and figure with you for your project to run smoothly and become justifiable.

A proposal to do the film will usually contain the length of the work, the intended audience and the purpose of the show. Whenever you are tackling a given topic, ask yourself what is the new approach you are using that is interesting, different and captivating.

The areas to pay attention to achieve these include the quality of shooting, the style of editing and software techniques as well as the contents written on the script. Narration and music also play a major role. Find a powerful voice over for your narration.

After a proposal, it is important to write a treatment. Although the proposal generally describes the entire project, a treatment is a written piece that tells the audience what to expect. It is a narrative describing what to be seen and heard and is written in simple language without touching the technical terms like transitions and angles.

Good environmental documentaries rely heavily on the credibility of the team. The people responsible for the production can make or mess a project. Reputable cameramen, editing staff and directors with a good past record can speed the distribution of your work. Come up with the budget for the project and shoot a pilot sample that shows work in progress.

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