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Saturday 7 March 2015

Wigs And Hair Pieces For Alopecia

By Leslie Ball

Alopecia Areata is the state or condition of baldness which happens gradually. It starts to happen when the immune system malfunctions and attacks instead the follicles. This is the part where hair growth and development begins. But when the immune system attacks it, baldness happens.

The follicles are responsible in making it grow. There is no exact explanation why this happens, neither do they have a cure for this condition. Hair pieces for Alopecia is the only known solution. These hair pieces may include wigs or hair extensions. There are so many new commercial synthetic artificial hair that can help cover the baldness at least.

Patients have their own stories of the time they have discovered their illness. First, they just happen to lose a lot of strands and it eventually becomes thinner and thinner. Different reactions come when the doctor finally tells them what is happening to them. Many take it hardly because the feeling of unattractiveness may sink into them, considering that there is no known cure for it.

Family history, abnormal nail texture and skin color, and a previous autoimmune disease can be the direct causes of Alopecia. There are times when some grow back on one side and then falls off on another. This can be really frustrating and it happens to both men and women.

The hair is part of physical appearance. Without it, a person may not feel as confident as he or she should be. Hence, some of them who are not emotionally or psychologically strong, may also need some psychiatric counseling to help them feel better about themselves and to accept the fact that it is an incurable condition.

When a patient starts to worry that there are too much strands falling off their scalp, they can be surprised to hear the diagnosis. It is not easy to hear that there is no absolute cure for this. After the diagnosis comes a series of tests that will determine if there are other diseases that contributed to the condition. Usually, skin diseases and autoimmune deficiencies can lead to Alopecia, especially if there is no family history.

For the treatment, there are many synthetic hairpieces that can be used to cover up the baldness. There are also products that can be used to thicken the strands or to make it look or achieve a thick volume temporarily. Styling techniques may also help in making it look thicker than it is. But for those who are already bald, there are stylish natural looking wigs that they can purchase.

A lot of styling experts can help them with their condition. Sometimes, hairstyling skills is the answer. Often times, if the head is already bald, they resort to hats and caps. However, they may not be able to wear them indoors.

If there is no other way, the only way to get through all this is acceptance. They need to understand wholeheartedly that life still goes on even if they are bald. They have lovable personalities that can replace their crowning glory. In addition, they have their loved ones who can make them realize that life is beautiful no matter what happens.

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